Rebecca's Dev Blog


The one challenge that I struggled to figure out the problem because instead of writing pseudo code to work the problem out step by step, I tried to solve the problem by just writing code and testing it until something worked. This did mean that I got to look at a lot of error messages though.

Once I had a better understanding of how some of the built-in methods worked, I was able to logically think it through and write the solution without over-thinking the problem and trying to hack a lot of code together.

The first problem was the gradebook kata challenge, and the second was the in-built methods.

The methods I used to problem-solved were googling, trying something, and reading error messages. I also used console.log to see what I had done to an array or object, before running a function on it.

During the process there were time I felt a little overwhelmed but kept working methodically through the documentation I found with Google searches and when really stuck, asked peers for help.

I learnt a little on each method or function that I was using, but more importantly I learnt that I need to read the documentation more and not to skim through valuable knowledge.

I still need some more practice with using Pseudo Code.

I am fairly confident in trying something.

I have inadvertently used the Rubber ducky method while trying to explain the problem to a peer and realized the solution in doing that.

I am getting better at reading error messages and knowing what to comment out to test a section.

Console.Logging is one of my first methods of trying to solve a problem. It helps me know to what I am working with and what parts of code are working as intended.

I often use Google search for answers or help on a topic.

Asking your peers for help - I do this when I think that I might be going down a rabbit hole of misinformation.

I haven’t asked coaches for help yet but know that it is an option.

Improving your process with reflection - I do re-read through my code to ensure that I understand it.